Rhubarb & Co.

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Ever wondered where to start with content for your website, business or personal brand? Have some awesome cool ideas but don’t really know how to say it? Or frankly don’t have the time to work on the words because you’ve just got so much else to do?!

These are all very valid and common questions and situations in today’s busy and fractured world. Many people are just excellent at the business they have, afterall that is the reason they got into it in the first place! But lack the skills, or the time to really talk it up and grow their audience and ultimately their customers through engagement.

With today’s social media and mobile device community it is in no doubt that the best way to stand out and to be seen is to be delivering content and information that is informative, yet entertaining. People buy from people and are far more likely to spend time on your website, or follow you on social media if you have something to say and it resonates with them.

Spending time thinking about your business (or your personal story that led to your business) could shed some light on new and interesting stories to tell. You are not only a business but a person that is passionate about what you do. Communicating this in your language, to your audience will engage them and keep them interested, and ultimately loyal.

Let’s Talk,

Jess x